Live Capture Every Page From your
Clients Website
Clients Website
One of cCheck’s most powerful, used and requested client on-boarding tools paired directly with our
very own EDD Client On-Boarding Application.
When your client enters there Website Address https://WebsiteAddress.com cCheck’s software will
automatically screenshot every page and save
it directly into the clients file within your cCheck Dashboard.
Set your own desired parameters where you can set the capture of your clients website either just from the on-boarding or after a set period.
Set your own desired parameters where you can set the capture of your clients website either just from the on-boarding or after a set period.

Monitor your Clients Activity directly through their website
cCheck’s Website Snapshot Feature Automatically captures every section and every page from your
clients website.
Customers can often change behavior following the completion of on-boarding where advertised
products and services
which weren’t originally featured within a clients website.
When logged into your cCheck Dashboard, you can refer back to saved images at anytime!
Get In Touch Today
When logged into your cCheck Dashboard, you can refer back to saved images at anytime!
cCheck’s state-of-the-art Client
Website Snapshot Technology
Website Snapshot Technology
cCheck’s Automated Website Snapshot embedded into your App, Website, or Business Process with
results directly displayed to your cCheck’s Dashboard.
Capture the entire height and width of every page or specific pages as per your preferences
Complete Viewport Control Converted to Screenshots
Connected instantly and directly into your Client On-Boarding Application for any pages and any required fields
Website Snapshots taken as frequent as you require!
Compare old and new Snapshots by date directly through your cCheck Dashboard.

How can we help?
Let us tailor your compliance requirements, book an introductory
session to see how
cCheck can help you establish state-of-the-art compliance