Verify your customers with an extra Layer of Security
Verify your customers with an extra Layer of Security
You only pay for successful verification requests!
Simply provide a Phone Number or E-Mail Address, We’ll work on instantly generating your customers One Time Passcode (OTP) via an SMS, E-Mail or Phone Call!
Our Two-Factor Authentication via verification is instantly and directly connected to your Client On-boarding Application Form or KYC Verification
Works for any phone number and e-mail address with no application requirements or additional extras!

Supporting Secure, Private and Cheaper Customer Verification
When sending a verification One-Time Passcode (OTP) to your customers it’s imperative that your
customers Phone Number and E-Mails are kept secure! cCheck recognizes the high security which is why
we have applied our Multi-Layer Encryption to our Verification process.
Take advantage of cChecks unique features designed to help in verifying your customers across the
world. Speak with our in-house team to tailor a compliance solution to suit your business today!
Get In Touch Today
Seamless SMS and Phone Verification Delivery with cCheck
cCheck’s Automated Website Snapshot embedded into your App, Website, or Business Process with
results directly displayed to your cCheck’s Dashboard.
Privacy between the verification with your customers and dashboard
Pricing Dependent per country request verification
cCheck highly recommends enforcing two-factor authentication for all of your customers
Analysis generated of Verifications across all of your customers

How can we help?
Let us tailor your compliance requirements, book an introductory
session to see how
cCheck can help you establish state-of-the-art compliance