Address Verification


Minute on average for address


Countries and territories




Address Verification
Succesfully Verify the
Successfully verify the address of both individuals and organisations in over 250+ Countries within minutes with cCheck.
We understand that almost all address verification techniques require verification is fully automated reducing
manual work, however at cCheck our proof of address your waiting time allowing you to onboard clients faster than ever.
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Global Coverage
cCheck has the ability to perform address verification in over 250+ countries using their state-of-the-art proprietary technology. This combined with cCheck’s automated document translation means anybody can submit their local documents in their native language and it be translated into the customers preferred language.
At cCheck we also understand the ever-growing threat of fraudulent documents and this is why all documents submitted are automatically checked for authenticity to ensure that they are authentic documents and have not been doctored in anyway.
Address Verification
cCheck provide a full report based on your address
verification check, including the geo location match, address crosscheck,
AML screening and automated document authentication.
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Automated Document
cCheck has the ability to perform automated document translation on all documents
ranging from personal utility bills to corporate certificate of incorporations within minutes.
Customise your
onboarding today
Simply add address verification to your package today or custom build the perfect package tailor made to your requirements. You can custom build your perfect package today on your pricing page.
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How can we help?

Let us tailor your compliance requirements, book an introductory session to see how
cCheck can help you establish state-of-the-art compliance solutions.

By checking this box, I acknowledge that I have the authority to act on behalf of the business (If applicable) By submitting this form you agree to Terms & Conditions outlined by cCheck and by providing my personal information, I acknowledge and agree to cCheck’s Privacy Policy & Terms of use.

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